Max Koch Uncorked

Wine-soaked adventures through a twisted life…

Max Koch Draws: A Crude Retrospective

My friends, I present to you, the cover of my new book: 

Max Koch Draws: A Crude Retrospective

This 284-page book is a collection of more than 400 of my wildest cartoons, illustrations, drawings, and doodles from every decade of my life.

I couldn’t have done it without these fine fellas:

Proofreader: Joe Dungan

Layout / Graphic Design: Jim Rasfeld Editorial Consultant: Mark Jonathan Davis

Stay tuned for further details and thank you for all your support! 

Quick Update!

Things are heating up for 2024.

Apologies for nearly a year of not posting here on my website, but I have been very busy with life, work, creating content for my Instagram, and putting together my first-ever BOOK concerning all my years as an unhinged cartoonist…dating all the way back to childhood.

The book is entitled Max Koch Draws: A Crude Retrospective and my goal is to have it available for sale by Fall of 2024. This has been a real passion project for me and I am just so damn excited to get this thing out there.

In other news, my wife Nichole and I will be traveling to Scotland and Ireland next month for the first time. We’ve been saving and planning for this dream trip for years and I simply cannot wait to assume the role of a true and sincere tourist. (I did that 23 and Me deal and my DNA came back 37% Irish. Hope that helps me out there?)

Speaking of roles, voiceover gigs have definitely picked up for me and soon I will be alerting you to some very cool projects I got to work on. But until then, click the pic below to check out the latest commercial campaign involving a certain cheetah you may know.

Thank you for reading and cheers!

New Stuff

How the hell are ya?

This week I made a bit of a return to YouTube after a 4 year hiatus. Mainly because I was a little saddened that they had severed the partner program in 2016. Well, now I’m over it as I appear to be a partner again. And while I was mainly focusing on using my Instagram for content, I realized that videos longer than a minute really belong on YouTube or Vimeo so there’s no disruption in the flow of the thing. Plus I’m not nearly as reactive as I used to be to the occasional negative comment or insult. A pandemic and a coupla existential crises will do that to a man. So while I will still continue to post new vids and clips from the past on my Insta as a sort of “digital gallery” of my creative (and sometimes personal) life here on good ol’ exhausted Planet Earth…I am happy to say that I will also be uploading regularly to YouTube whenever the urge strikes me.

Case in point, I have a new series of Tony Soprano-related vids I am making called “Tony’s Tavern. The tag line being: What if the world’s greatest wiseguy was living a new life? With PUPPETS! I uploaded all seven of them (so far) to YouTube this week and it appears to be going very well, knock on my own head. I do enjoy making these because I can focus on channeling Tony as a bartender running his own joint, stuck in a kind of purgatory. But I can also include puppets and/or original characters…and of course, old standbys like “Bob De Niro” and “Jack Nicholson”. Look, it’s ALL because I love to make people laugh or cry. And right now we need all the damn laughs and tears of catharsis we can get.

Finally, I just posted a new video today of me channeling my all-time favorite writer, Charles Bukowski. Click the pic of me as him below and GO. And please…take care out there.

WINE PAIRING: My dear friend and downstairs neighbor Bekka is preparing a red sangria for me as I type this…

Koch as Bukowski

“Red Leaf Complex” Season Finale

Man, two and a half years of writing, filming, and editing…

Fourteen weeks uploading every Friday…

Is finished.

The fourteenth (season finale) episode of “Red Leaf Complex” – an original horror series by Brett Pearsons and myself – has arrived. All thirteen other episodes are also available on my Vimeo channel.

Thank you for watching and please spread the word on this one, if you like it.

Most of all, take care of yourselves.

Red Leaf Complex (2020)

For the past two and a half years, my dear ol’ pal Brett Pearsons and I have been working on a brand-new horror-themed series for my Vimeo channel called Red Leaf Complex, featuring a cast of over 20 spectacular actors. Here’s the lowdown:

In this 14 episode horror series by creators Brett Pearsons and Max Koch, a group of tenants living in an apartment building fall prey to dark forces and ominous occurrences.

I know we are all in Hell right now, what with this worldwide pandemic going down.  We certainly didn’t CHOOSE such an unfathomable time in history to release our passion project, but…here we are. And so it is my hope that you consider checking out the first 3 episodes, now streaming on Vimeo. Perhaps you’ll go so far as to add RLC to your list of entertainment options while social-distancing or being quarantined. We worked SO hard on this thing and would love nothing more than to build an audience with it. It’s 100% free to watch and we’d love to hear your thoughts and feelings about it. New episodes will appear every Friday.

So click the pic below and GO to Episode One. And don’t forget to take CARE out there.  

Love, Max

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“A Couple of Three Things”

Hey! How’s it goin’?? I wanna tell ya a couple of three things

ONE: I’m back on Netflix in another episode of The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants. I voice a giant laser monster with a vaguely-European accent named Laserlightmare and not one but TWO hillbillies named Billy. Click HERE to go straight to the episode!


TWO: I have a new Cheetos TV spot running that I think you’ll enjoy.  Go HERE to see that one.  It’s funny.

THREE:  Also Cheetos-related, The House of Flamin’ Haute salon and fashion show went down in NYC this past week and I was just blown away by all of the wonderful colors and creativity.  You can check out the runway experience HERE, featuring a book-ended appearance by your favorite spokes-cheetah.


I hope you are all getting ready for the autumn season and subsequent Halloween havoc like I am.  I asked my wife if she had a problem with me decorating in early September and she said, “have at it!” So check out the new ornament I purchased today at the 99 Cents Only store.

WINE PAIRING:  Yesterday, Cousin Lorenzo and I recorded a new episode of our Guys Day In podcast and I brought down a bottle of the 2016 Avalon Cabernet Sauvignon from Napa Valley.  It opened up SO quickly. A flourish of fruit and rich goodness that totally rocked our stemware!