Max Koch Uncorked

Wine-soaked adventures through a twisted life…


Inktober: Days 1 – 5

For the first time since its inception in 2009, I am participating in the Inktober Initiative, created by illustrator Jake Palmer.  31 Drawings, 31 Days.  And let me tell you: I am having a blast!  I’ve never worked with prompt words before to inspire a drawing, so…this is bitchin’ new terrain for me.  It’s gotten me back […]

Me Today

I spent most of this past week in the hospital for some kinda crazy, horrific abdominal take-down that the doctors still aren’t clear on as to what it was. I gotta tell ya: it was some of the worst discomfort I’ve ever experienced in my life. On the flip side, however, it was an extremely […]

A New Form of Creative Expression…?

So if you happen to follow me on social media, particularly my Instagram, you may have noticed lately that I’ve been posting a lotta pics of smashed-up and/or kicked-to-the-curb furniture pieces with cartoony faces drawn on ’em. Truth is, I can’t seem to suffer enough for my stupid, so-called art, so…turns out this is just a […]

Getting Shit Done

Today, I am GETTING SHIT DONE. Shit, I’ve been pretty much gettin’ shit done all week. But today is exceptionally productive. The fridge is stocked for the Easter holiday weekend. The pugs are at the groomer getting their booty glands expelled before they get thoroughly bathed. And the cleaning crew is zeal-fully kicking ass outside my office door, as […]