Max Koch Uncorked

Wine-soaked adventures through a twisted life…


Watchmen: Chapter 1

Thrilled to have been announced as a member of the cast. Roles yet to be disclosed. This was my favorite graphic novel back in the eighties. Coming to digital 8/13, 4K and Blu-ray on 8/27.

Quick Update!

Things are heating up for 2024. Apologies for nearly a year of not posting here on my website, but I have been very busy with life, work, creating content for my Instagram, and putting together my first-ever BOOK concerning all my years as an unhinged cartoonist…dating all the way back to childhood. The book is […]

“Untitled Treatment” (A horror short)

ANNOUNCEMENT:  My new 19-minute horror short, “Untitled Treatment”, a Blood Porch production, is ready for your eyes, ears and fears.  Ten months in the making!  Click image below and GO. And thank you SO much for your continued patronage.  Cheers and Happy Halloween! 💀

New Stuff

How the hell are ya? This week I made a bit of a return to YouTube after a 4 year hiatus. Mainly because I was a little saddened that they had severed the partner program in 2016. Well, now I’m over it as I appear to be a partner again. And while I was mainly […]

“Red Leaf Complex” Season Finale

Man, two and a half years of writing, filming, and editing… Fourteen weeks uploading every Friday… Is finished. The fourteenth (season finale) episode of “Red Leaf Complex” – an original horror series by Brett Pearsons and myself – has arrived. All thirteen other episodes are also available on my Vimeo channel. Thank you for watching […]

Red Leaf Complex (2020)

For the past two and a half years, my dear ol’ pal Brett Pearsons and I have been working on a brand-new horror-themed series for my Vimeo channel called Red Leaf Complex, featuring a cast of over 20 spectacular actors. Here’s the lowdown: In this 14 episode horror series by creators Brett Pearsons and Max Koch, […]

“A Couple of Three Things”

Hey! How’s it goin’?? I wanna tell ya a couple of three things… ONE: I’m back on Netflix in another episode of The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants. I voice a giant laser monster with a vaguely-European accent named Laserlightmare and not one but TWO hillbillies named Billy. Click HERE to go straight to the episode! […]

2 Icons at Once

Click the pic of “Colonel Chester” and enjoy this new spot!  More news to come soon…  

My Rap Debut

  Click the pic of King Chester for his new Flamin’ Hot Diss Track against Doritos!