Max Koch Uncorked

Wine-soaked adventures through a twisted life…

Quick Update!

Things are heating up for 2024.

Apologies for nearly a year of not posting here on my website, but I have been very busy with life, work, creating content for my Instagram, and putting together my first-ever BOOK concerning all my years as an unhinged cartoonist…dating all the way back to childhood.

The book is entitled Max Koch Draws: A Crude Retrospective and my goal is to have it available for sale by Fall of 2024. This has been a real passion project for me and I am just so damn excited to get this thing out there.

In other news, my wife Nichole and I will be traveling to Scotland and Ireland next month for the first time. We’ve been saving and planning for this dream trip for years and I simply cannot wait to assume the role of a true and sincere tourist. (I did that 23 and Me deal and my DNA came back 37% Irish. Hope that helps me out there?)

Speaking of roles, voiceover gigs have definitely picked up for me and soon I will be alerting you to some very cool projects I got to work on. But until then, click the pic below to check out the latest commercial campaign involving a certain cheetah you may know.

Thank you for reading and cheers!