Max Koch Uncorked

Wine-soaked adventures through a twisted life…

It’s Almost APRIL Already…??


Do you mean to tell me I’ve been neglecting my poor blog since last December??  ALL apologies, kids.

I guess the good news is, I’ve been a little busy.  Here are just a few quick updates:

  • I can’t express enough how grateful I am that I get to voice everyone’s favorite cheetah.  Here was an awesome music video celebrating the USA Curling team that was posted back in January.  Then there was this fun new app.  And then this cool little spot that was just tweeted out today.  Plus I’m told regular commercials are airing on TV.  Wahoo!
  • My buddy Brett and I wrote a little horror web series-type deal that we’ve already starting shooting.  No idea how long it will take or when it will be finished.  All I know is I’m learning a lot about directing and when we gave out the scripts to the actors we wanted, only ONE of them turned us down!  Oh, I was hardly offended by the decline, it’s just that the actress wasn’t really up for going to such a “scary place” in her head.
  • I’m READING more than ever these days.  I can’t recommend Richard Blade’s memoir World In My Eyes enough.  If you grew up in Southern California in the eighties, you will know EXACTLY who I am talking about.  
  • Barney Fife the chug and Malcolm are doing GREAT.  And while they don’t necessarily see eye to eye on a lotta stuff, at least they find other ways now and again to be brotherly.  We still miss our dear Mickey each and every day but the boys continue to supply us countless laughs and bouts of joy.
  • Nic and I continue to explore new wines and even newer television shows.  I’m telling you, it may sound lazy and counterproductive, but nothing in my life makes me happier than just chilling on the couch, lighting some candles, and disappearing into, say, the ever-stunning The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story.  2017 was a surprisingly strong year for cinema, boy, but TV these days really is where it’s at.

More to come, news-wise, but for now I’ll let you get back to what you were doing.  Have a safe and happy holiday weekend!  And don’t forget to “re-envision” yourself with that app I posted above like I just did. You can find it right here.

Cheetos Vision Max

WINE PAIRING: Nic and I are huge fans of The Untitled Action Bronson Show on Viceland and we noticed they always have wine experts on there who serve Action varying orange wines.  And since orange is an appropriate theme for today’s entry, stop at nothing to try out the 2016 Paleokerisio Traditional Semi-sparkling wine.  You’ve never tasted anything quite like it, I assure!  Really delicious and unique.