It was shattering for me to learn that my funny-as-hell, winemaking, voiceover buddy Doug Paul – out in Dahlonega, GA. – had passed away this week due to heart failure resulting from pulmonary fibrosis.
Survived by his wife and daughter, Sharon and Mittie, Doug was only 59 years old.
When Nic and I went out to explore Northeast Georgia wine country in June of 2012, I really wasn’t expecting to make such a cool, kind and generous friend at the Three Sisters Vineyards and Winery. But there Doug Paul was…in his giant overalls and hilariously-charming Jonathan Winters-esque personality, pouring us titles so unique and delicious, we continue to enjoy them to this day. Doug would FedEx us special sparklings and reds often after that first encounter. And we would truly be grateful to receive them.
Doug and I IMMEDIATELY hit it off, learned of each others positions in the world of voiceover…and kept in contact for the next 5 years via email and Facebook. One of our dreams was to make a hillbilly horror movie on his sprawling property together, where we’d play brothers. Or even a remake of Motel Hell. Or Lord knows what else.
One of the silliest and most endearing of Doug’s many talents was Photoshopping his friends heads and faces into scenes from famous movies or events in history. Here was his “Max Koch Collection.” I never knew where or when these were gonna pop up on my FB timeline. I got the biggest kick out of ’em…
Creepy Reverend from Poltergiest Max:
Satanic Santa Max:
Chuck Duck at the House Democrats Gun-Control Sit-In (note the wine glass):
Max Huckabee:
Easter Bunny Max:
Max and Clooney Win Oscars:
Jedi Max:
Manson Family Member Max:
It’s a Wonderful Life Max:
Max Lands on the Moon (with Mimosa):
Max at the Oscars with Marty and Leo:
Max in that Civil War Movie with McConaughey:
End Times/”The Road” Max:
Historic General Max:
Old West Max:
Bouffant Max:
Ten Commandments Max:
Groundhog Day Max:
Edna Turnblad from Hairspray Max:
Tacky Friday the 13th Sweater Max:
Nosferatu Max:
Child of Drugged-Out Couple Max:
Idyllic Family Life Max:
Sports Illustrated Cover Max:
Michael Phelps and Max:
“Whatever Terrifying Thing This Is” Max:
Muppeteer Max (+ Chuck Duck Cameo!):
Psychotic Christmas Max:
Billy Jack/Born Losers Max:
Anyway…I think you get the point!
I’m gonna miss my friend. He was one of a kind. I hope he is having fun soaring the cosmos.
WINE PAIRING: My pal Jughead and I made this video featuring Doug Paul’s Fat Boy Red. I think I’m gonna change Jughead’s name to Doug Paul II: The Resurrection.