Man, these holidays sneak up on ya, don’t they? I had NO plans to make a new Christmas video, but my buddy Nicole aka Green Girl aka GiGi said she had a sexy Santa’s helper outfit that she wanted to wear for me on camera (I have perversely terrorized this woman often in my vids. Anyone recall […]
Max Koch Uncorked
Wine-soaked adventures through a twisted life…
Thanksgiving, The Babadook, and the Chook
Did everyone have a kickass Thanksgiving? Did you MOW DOWN on a crap-ton of deep-fried wattle and stuffing and gravy and mashed potatoes with garlic and cranberry sauce from a can and pumpkin pies and beer and hopefully some decent WINES??? Did you watch the Macy’s Parade, the dog show, and the Peanuts Thanksgiving special where Snoopy improvises and […]
Napa Road Trip WRAP-UP and Another NEW Video
Good grapes! Has it REALLY been 12 days since I last posted?? All apologies! I mean, how the hell am I supposed to gain momentum with this blog if I’m nothing but a slacker-offer?? Thanks a LOT, Major Depression! So where was I…? Oh, yeah, right! Napa Valley. Okay, so I gotta say the Napa […]
Max Koch’s LIFE on the FARM (New Video)
God bless my long-suffering wife. As of this past Halloween, we will have spent a good, long 15 years of marriage together. Tack on 7 more years of dating and living amongst one another and you have a LOT of hard time she’s labored. I. Am. A. CHORE. Speaking of labor…I’d love to share another new […]
Max Koch Goes to INGLENOOK (New Video)
I’m back! Lemme tell ya, Napa Valley wine country n’ me pretty much worked out our differences. We reconciled. We bonded. We gave each other neck rubs. Sure, I have a few beefs here and there that I’ll get into here on the blog in the coming days. But all in all, I have to declare, […]
Happy Halloween from Suisun City, CA.!
Today I celebrate 15 years of marriage to Nichole. That’s right, not only is Halloween my all-time favorite holiday, but also my damn wedding anniversary. 15 years ago tonight, 110 people gathered inside a crazy Italian restaurant in Fullerton called Angelo’s and Vinci’s. I say crazy because the walls are covered in Commedia dell’arte masks and they even have a “Monster Wine […]
“Exists” by Eduardo Sánchez
Scare flick fans either love or loathe “The Blair Witch Project”. Personally, I can’t ever get enough of it. Outside of the fact that it was the first real cultural happening/marketing miracle centered around a found footage horror film (pre-dating the “Paranormal Activity” phenomenon by about 8 years), it also spawned a killer companion book and documentary further […]
New Max Koch HALLOWEEN Video Playlist!
I’ve made a lotta crazy videos over the years for YouTube but my favorites are always the Halloween-themed ones. So I decided to put together a playlist of these in case you mighta missed one or two or…ten. Oh, there’s all KINDS of terrible tidings to behold here: You’ll get a zany gay cannibal, Jeff Bridges […]
Top 12 Trippiest Moments From…
THE DANIEL LANOIS ENCOUNTER LAST NIGHT AT THE GRAMMY MUSEUM: 12. Announced that he had created a new musical language that all walks of life would understand. 11. Is hell-bent on recording an entire record in the backseat of his ’72 Cadillac. 10. Was dressed like “Billy Bob Thornton meets Apocalyptic Trucker” and kept chewing […]
Max Koch Goes to VAMPIRE VINEYARDS (New Video)
Just in time for Halloween (my all-time favorite holiday), I have made a new video about my rockin’ good time at Vampire Vineyards Tasting Room & Lounge in Beverly Hills. I’ve written about VV before on this blog, but now you’ll get to really see and hear just how spooky and sexy and fabulous this place […]